E-mail Aliases in Web Hosting
With each and every web hosting plan we provide, it's possible to make tens and even hundreds of aliases for every mailbox you have created in the account. The procedure is quite simple and you can add or delete aliases with a few clicks via our in-house built Hepsia Hosting Control Panel. This function will save you time as it will be more convenient to take care of the e-mails from various e-mail addresses which you use or that are listed on your website in one place. Any time you respond, the other side will receive an e-mail from the alias, not from the main address associated with the mailbox. It is easy to combine this option with mail filters or e-mail forwarding should you prefer a backup copy of some kinds of emails in the primary mailbox as well as in other independent mailboxes.
E-mail Aliases in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Adding aliases to your mailboxes will be very simple if you have a semi-dedicated server plan from our company and all of your emails are managed on our end. You can make or delete an alias in the Emails section of the Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, which comes with each and every account. It's also possible to have multiple aliases, if you decide to run a business, for example, each and every staff member can have their unique e-mail, but all emails sent to them can be seen by everyone in one mailbox. In this way, managing the email communication with clients will be significantly less time-consuming and more coordinated. When part of the email messages need to get to different business units too, it is possible to combine employing aliases together with our email forwarding feature.