There are a number of ways in which you can get in touch with the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you will always find irrespective of which company you choose is a support ticket system. This is the least complicated medium of correspondence for different reasons. If no customer support engineer is available at the moment and they are all occupied, a phone call may not be responded to, but a ticket will always be received. In addition, you can copy and paste large bits of information without needing to worry about spelling errors, and in case a certain issue requires more time to be solved or a number of replies have to be exchanged, all the info will be in one and the same place, so each party can always see the comments supplied by the other one. The negative side of using tickets to get in touch with your web hosting company is that they are often separate from the hosting platform, which means that if you have to supply information or to follow guidelines, you will have to use at least two different admin interfaces and this number can rise if you’d like to manage multiple domain names. Furthermore, a lot of hosting companies respond to tickets after hours, or even once in every twenty four hours, and for you as a customer, this simply means wasted time whilst awaiting a reply.

Integrated Ticketing System in Web Hosting

With a web hosting from us, you will never need to sign out of your account. Our ticketing system is incorporated into the Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which is used to manage your entire online presence. You can effortlessly access any support ticket whilst you are browsing through your files or tweaking different account settings. The ticketing system is being strictly monitored 24-7 by our customer service staff members and the ticket response time is no more than 1 hour, but it seldom takes more than twenty minutes to get help. Unlike some hosting providers, we don’t charge extra for using the ticketing system, so you can touch base with us as often as you need and request info regarding any technical or billing problem. Also, you can see a number of informational articles, which will help you tackle the most commonly faced obstacles on your own.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

We believe that it is more efficient to manage everything from a single place, so we’ve integrated a ticketing system into the custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel, which comes with each and every semi-dedicated server package. This will permit you to manage the communication with our customer service team along with your data, so you will not need to remember additional sign-in credentials for a different admin console. You will be able to post a new ticket or to track the status of an old one with less than several mouse clicks while you are browsing the content hosted in your account. Additionally, you can look through older tickets using a smart search function or check relevant knowledgebase articles, which include solutions to commonly confronted issues. The inbuilt trouble ticket system is closely monitored 24x7x365 with the maximum response time being only 60 minutes, so there will always be someone to help you out.